Sunday, March 08, 2009

The Power of the Cross: Second Week of Lent, Sunday - The Cross of Christ Unites the Temporal and the Eternal

Ask — How does the "light" of Christ shine into the darkness of my world?

Seek — At every moment of the day say with St. Peter, "Lord, it is good that we are here!" Realize that when we follow Jesus we see the cross in a new light; we see everything anew where once we could only curse the darkness.

Knock — Meditate on 2 Peter 1:16-19. What is the "power" that St. Peter speaks of as it relates to the Transfiguration? What would happen if you followed his advice to keep the Transfiguration before you as a "lamp shining in a dark place"?

Transform Your Life — May times we think of our lives as a combination of missed opportunities and mistakes with a few good choices. Applying the lesson of the Transfiguration challenges us to not be so quick to judge negatively but to take a more accepting view of the cross in our own lives. "It is good that we are here" right now, where we are — no matter how it might seem to us at the moment.

The Power of the Cross: Applying the Passion of Christ to Your Life, pp. 57.)

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