Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Propers for the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

On the universal calendar, this Thursday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (formerly known as Corpus Christi). In the US, this solemnity is transferred to the following Sunday.

Here are the proper prayers in Latin, and my attempts at translating them:

Deus, qui nobis sub sacraménto mirábili passiónis tuae memóriam reliquísti,
tríbue, quaesumus,
ita nos Córporis et Sánguinis tui sacra mystéria venerári,
ut redemptiónis tuae fructum in nobis iúgiter sentiámus.

O God, Who bequeathed to us the memorial of Your Passion under this wonderful Sacrament,
grant to us, we beseech You,
so to venerate the sacred mysteries of Your Body and Blood,
that we may unceasingly perceive within us the fruit of Your redemption.

Super oblata
Ecclésiae tuae, quaesumus, Dómine,
unitátis et pacis propítius dona concéde,
quae sub oblátis munéribus mystice designántur.

Graciously bestow to Your Church,
we pray, Lord, the gifts of unity and peace,
which are mystically signified under the gifts offered here.

Post communionem
Fac nos, quaesumus, Dómine,
divinitátis tuae sempitérna fruitióne repléri,
quam pretiósi Córporis et Sánguinis tui temporális percéptio praefigúrat.

Cause us, we beg you, Lord,
to be filled with eternal enjoyment of Your divinity,
which the present reception of Your Precious Body and Blood prefigures.

(Note in the Post-Communion prayer the characteristic future-present juxtaposition.)

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