Monday, June 01, 2009

June 1 - St. Justin Martyr

We honor the memory of St. Justin Martyr. Here are the prayers (Collect, Super Oblata, and Post-Communion) in Latin and my attempts at translating them.

Deus, qui per stultítiam crucis eminéntem Iesu Christi sciéntiam
beátum Iustínum mártyrem mirabíliter docuísti,
eius nobis intercessióne concéde,
ut, errórum circumventióne depúlsa,
fídei firmitátem consequámur.

God, Who wonderfully taught the blessed martyr Justin
surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ by the folly of the cross,
grant his intercession to us,
that, driving out the uncertainty of error,
we may obtain firmness of faith.

Concéde nobis, quaesumus, Dómine,
haec digne frequentáre mystéria,
quae beátus Iustínus strénua virtúte deféndit.

Grant to us, we beseech You, O Lord,
to worthily and frequently approach these mysteries,
which blessed Justin defended with vigorous strength.

Caelésti alimónia refécti, súpplices te, Dómine, deprecámur,
ut, beáti Iustíni mártyris mónitis obsequéntes,
de accéptis donis semper in gratiárum actióne maneámus.

Having been restored by this heavenly food, we humbly beg you, Lord,
that, heeding the admonition of blessed martyr Justin,
we may ever abide in thanksgiving, having received this gift.

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