Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Eucharistic Prayer Inserts for Ritual Masses

LatinEnglish 2008English 2010
Hanc ígitur oblatiónem
servitútis nostrae,
sed et famulórum tuórum N et N
totiúsque famíliae tuae,
quae pro illis tuam
exórat maiestátem,
quaesumus, Dómine,
ut placátus accípias:
et sicut eos
ad diem nuptiárum
perveníre tribuísti, sic
(tuo múnere desideráta sóbole
gaudére profícias, atque)
ad optátam sériem próvehas
benígnus annórum.
(Per Christum
Dóminum nostrum.
Therefore, Lord, we pray:
graciously accept
this oblation of our service,
that of
your servants N. and N.
and of your whole family,
who entreat your majesty
on their behalf;
and as you have granted them
to reach their wedding day, so
(make them rejoice in your gift
of the children they desire and)
bring them in your kindness
to the length of days
for which they hope.
(Through Christ
our Lord.
Therefore, Lord, we pray:
graciously accept
this oblation of our service,
the offering of
your servants N. and N.
and of your whole family,
who entreat your majesty
on their behalf;
and as you have brought them
to their wedding day, so
(gladden them with your gift
of the children they desire and)
bring them in your kindness
to the length of days
for which they hope.
(Through Christ
our Lord.
LatinEnglish 2008English 2010
Recordáre quoque,
Dómine, N et N,
quos ad diem nuptiárum
perveníre tribuísti:
ut grátia tua
in mútua dilectióne
et pace permáneant.
Remember also,
Lord, N. and N.,
whom you have brought
to their wedding day,
so that by your grace
they may abide
in mutual love and peace.
Be mindful also,
Lord, of N. and N.,
whom you have brought
to their wedding day,
so that by your grace
they may abide
in mutual love and in peace.
LatinEnglish 2008English 2010
Confórta, quaesumus,
in grátia Matrimónii
N. et N.,
quos ad diem nuptiárum
felíciter adduxísti,
ut fodus quod in
conspéctu tuo firmavérunt,
te protegénte,
in vita
semper consérvent.
Strengthen, we pray,
in the grace of Marriage
N. and N.,
whom happily you have brought
to the day of their wedding,
that with your protection
they may always be faithful
in their lives
to the covenant they have sealed
in your presence.
Strengthen, we pray,
in the grace of Marriage
N. and N.,
whom you have brought happily
to their wedding day,
that under your protection
they may always be faithful
in their lives
to the covenant they have sealed
in your presence.

LatinEnglish 2008English 2010
Meménto, Dómine,
famulórum famularúmque tuárum,
qui eléctos tuos susceptúri sunt
ad sanctam grátiam baptísmi tui,
et [recitantur nomina
patrinorum et matrinarum]
et ómnium circumstántium,
quorum tibi fides
cógnita est…

Hanc ígitur oblatiónem, Dómine,
ut propítius suscípias,
quam tibi offérimus
pro fámulis et famulábus tuis,
quos ad aetérnam vitam
et beátum grátiae tuae donum
atque vocáre dignátus es.
(Per Christum
Dóminum nostrum.
Remember, Lord,
your servants
who are to present your chosen ones
for the holy grace of your Baptism,
[here the names of the godparents
are read out]
and all gathered here,
whose faith and devotion
are known to you.

Therefore, Lord, we pray:
graciously accept this oblation
of our service,
which we make to you
for your servants
whom you have been pleased
to number, to choose
and to call for eternal life
and for the blessed gift
of your grace.
(Through Christ
our Lord.
Remember, Lord,
your servants
who are to present your chosen ones
for the holy grace of your Baptism,
[here the names of the godparents
are read out]
and all gathered here,
whose faith and devotion
are known to you.

Therefore, Lord, we pray:
graciously accept this oblation

which we make to you
for your servants,
whom you have been pleased
to enroll, choose
and call for eternal life
and for the blessed gift
of your grace.
(Through Christ
our Lord.
LatinEnglish 2008English 2010
Recordáre quoque, Dómine,
servórum tuórum,
qui hos eléctos susceptúri sunt
ad fontem regeneratiónis.
Remember also, Lord,
your servants
who are to present these chosen ones
at the font of rebirth.
Remember also, Lord,
your servants
who are to present these chosen ones
at the font of rebirth.
LatinEnglish 2008English 2010
Adiuva grátia tua,
quaesumus, Dómine,
servos tuos,
ut hos eléctos
verbo et exémplo perdúcant
ad vitam novam
in Christo,
Dómino nostro.
Assist your servants
with your grace,
O Lord, we pray,
that they may lead
these chosen ones
by word and example
to new life
in Christ, our Lord.
Assist your servants
with your grace,
O Lord, we pray,
that they may lead
these chosen ones
by word and example
to new life
in Christ, our Lord.

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