Monday, November 10, 2008

Liturgy: When will we have a new translation?

A bishop at the USCCB meeting asked Bishop Serratelli (Diocese of Paterson, chairman of the Bishops' Committee on Divine Worship) when the revised translation of the Roman Missal would be completed. Bishop Serratelli wrote out the answer to this question ahead of time! Paraphrasing him:
As of the September meeting of ICEL, ICEL had finished all the translations. As of November, all the "grey books" are complete and ready for examination by the Episcopal Conferences. Hopefully by November 2010 (two years away), all the grey books will have been completed by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and sent to the Holy See for approval. Once approval has been given and the publishers have had a year to do their work, we can expect the new texts to be used starting in Advent of 2012 (four years away).
Why not 2011? Well, we can hope, but I think 2012 is more reasonable. Plus, it gives our bishops and priests and deacons more time to catechize us!


Matt said...

4 years is absurd. Rule by committee is a mess!

As I sit and watch the goings on over EWTN's stream it struck me that Bp. Serratelli said the ICEL work is complete. And yet, it will take sooo long?

Moonshadow said...

My missals ought to have fallen apart by then and be in need of replacement.

Good info, japhy.

Figulus said...

How much longer for the Liturgy of the Hours? My kids will be chanting Latin before the new English version comes out.

Jeffrey Pinyan said...

Not sure about the LOTH, although the Revised Grail Psalter was just approved for use in the Mass.

When I prayed the LOTH regularly (I haven't for a year or so...), I did Night Prayer in Latin.