Thursday, May 22, 2008

Corpus Christi Mass in Rome - Communion on the Tongue, Kneeling

The Holy Father celebrated the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (which is traditionally observed on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, although here in the States it has been transferred to the following Sunday) in Rome today.

During the reception of Holy Communion by the faithful, a kneeler was placed at the foot of the sanctuary, and those receiving from the hands of the Holy Father received on the tongue, kneeling!


Gretchen said...

I am so happy to hear this news. At daily mass on Monday there were less than 30 people present, yet it was 'necessary' to have not only the priest but 3 other ELEMs. Reception all in the hand. Those who take on the tongue are frowned upon.

Jeffrey Pinyan said...

Those who take on the tongue are frowned upon.

Ouch; I'm sorry to hear that. :(

Our daily Masses always have an EMHC for the Chalice. I'd prefer if, for daily Masses, there was only the Host offered... but it's not my decision.

And, whenever the Chalice is offered, I receive from it. I hope that doesn't make me a hypocrite, but I do it because it is offered to me (and I have no problem receiving it) and also because it can be a somewhat embarrassing sight to see an EMHC (or two) having trouble consuming what is left over.

Moonshadow said...

Those who take on the tongue are frowned upon.

That shouldn't happen. Sometimes I'm secretly happy when my arms are full of my kids so I have an excuse for receiving on the tongue! :-)

if, for daily Masses, there was only the Host offered

I know what you mean, it just seems simplified under one species. But I don't really mind either way so long as it's low key, modest.