Friday, September 05, 2008

Christian Reconciliation Carnival #13 - De Liturgia

I will be hosting the 13th Christian Reconciliation Carnival here at The Cross Reference. Here is the Christian Reconciliation Carnival described by its originator, the Weekend Fisher:
I have noticed something interesting in certain parts of the Christian blogosphere. I have seen debates that degenerated into people trying to understand each others' positions. I have seen Christians praising members of other groups, a growing body of recognized common ground, and people with crossover appeal beyond their own group. Of course, I've seen nastiness and divisiveness too, but the opponents of nastiness and divisiveness are becoming bolder, more outspoken.

To that end, I'm proposing a Christian Reconciliation Carnival. It's intended as a "Road to Reconciliation" Carnival, a place where we do not expect too much of ourselves except humility, and a Carnival that is a cease-fire zone.
Broadly stated, then, the purpose of the Carnival is to look at what separates one Christian confession from another, and approach the issue or division with an attitude of charity, peace, and sincerity.

The theme for the next Carnival is the liturgy. Here's how I presented it to the Weekend Fisher: "I guess I'd be interested in hearing perspectives on what obstacles are presented by the varying liturgies (high/low, sacramental/non-sacramental, rubrical/freeform) and how they might be possible to overcome. I don't necessarily want to get too doctrinal (although the law of prayer and the law of belief go hand-in-hand, as far as Catholics are concerned). And the issue of liturgical reform would be open for discussion as well."

It's a broad topic, so hopefully we will get plenty of submissions! My reason for choosing it -- apart from my deep love for it -- is because, as a Catholic, I accept the maxim that legem credendi lex statuat supplicandi, more simply stated as lex orandi, lex credendi: the law of prayer is the law of belief: the relationship between worship/prayer and belief is two-way.

Thus, since different groups of Christians believe different things, it is no small wonder that they also have different conceptions of liturgy, ranging from intensely liturgical (e.g. Orthodox, Catholic (esp. among those who adhere to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite), and "high-church" Anglican) to the absolutely non-liturgical (e.g. the "organic" church described by Frank Viola and George Barna). I am also interested in the similarities found between certain elements of liturgies of certain Christian groups despite their theological differences surrounding those very elements.

Anyway, that's the topic. The liturgy, and how it relates to reconciliation between Christian confessions. Submissions should follow the guidelines and be sent either to this address or this address. Submissions will be accepted through September 30.


Jilliefl1 said...

Speaking of Frank Viola and George Barna, the sequel to “Pagan Christianity?” is out now. It’s called “Reimagining Church”. It picks up where “Pagan Christianity” left off and continues the conversation. (“Pagan Christianity” was never meant to be a stand alone book; it’s part one of the conversation.) “Reimagining Church” is endorsed by Leonard Sweet, Shane Claiborne, Alan Hirsch, and many others. You can read a sample chapter at
It’s also available on Frank is also blogging now at Also, have you seen the spoof video for "Pagan"? Very funny. Check it out at

Weekend Fisher said...

You know, the name "Barna" lost all the reputation it ever had, in my books, when he put it on the cover of "Pagan Christianity".


Anyway, Jeff, I've been meaning to ask: are you interested in doing side-by-side comparisons of (say) Lutheran liturgy to Roman Catholic? Let me know.

Take care & God bless
Anne / WF

Jeffrey Pinyan said...

I would not mind comparing/contrasting the Roman and Lutheran liturgies. I have never attended a Lutheran service (apart from the Rite of Marriage this past weekend).

Are there various ways of celebrating a Lutheran Eucharistic liturgy, some that look more like the Tridentine liturgy and some that look more like the Pauline?

Weekend Fisher said...

Well, there are definitely different liturgies for celebrating the Eucharist. Whether one looks more Tridentine or another looks more Pauline or if they look more like the ancient liturgy of St. James, I don't suppose I'll know that until we check them side by side.

I wrote the original inquiry before I knew I was having a visitor named Ike (well, me and the rest of the central/upper TX coast). I'll check back in next week, God willing, with the hopes of picking up there. Maybe I'll see if I can post just an outline of the Eucharist liturgies ... Matins too if time permits ... and we could find out what we find out.

Take care & God bless
Anne / WF